Lean Strength and Fitness


imageYou can turn back your biological clock. You can be 50, 60 or even 70 and look and feel much younger. That's a guarantee.

But it takes work. The human body was designed to be stressed. When you stress your body with exercise, it adapts. It gets stronger.

Deep inside, we are still Paleolithic people, still programmed for hunger and hardship. If we have too much food and too little exposure to physical stress, we get fat, sick, and age faster. The worst outcomes occur when chronic calorie overload is combined with a sedentary lifestyle.

The underfed are selected for longevity; the overfed are selected for aging.

But here is the amazing thing. It is the combination of exercise and energy deficit (fasted state) that provides the ideal results we all seek. We get stronger, and at the same time it slows aging and delays the onset of chronic disease.

Regular fasted exercise is the best and safest anti-aging medicine you can take. Done properly, and combined with rest, it will slow down and even reverse the aging process. It will turn back your biological clock.

Finally let's not forget that fasted exercise is also the best, safest and least expensive way to permanently lose unwanted weight.

With fasted workouts, you will achieve maximum impact in minimum time, along with peak resistance to aging.

If you are interested in hearing more, please contact us.